Saturday, April 2, 2011

New to this...

So... Since everyone has moved here, guess I'm following right behind... just a little late ;)

I have no clue what to blog about as I'm trying to learn to be more positive. :)

Uhhh... I recently purchased our plane tickets to Georgia, we fly out May 10th and I could not be any more excited! My Dad borrowed a friends carseat so now I don't have to bring Emma's which is going to be a big relief. Could you girls imagine me lugging around Olivia in the Moby Wrap, holding Emma's hand, carrying 2 carseats, around 2 airports?! I'm hoping my Dad will be able to get a gate pass to help me out, but Hartfield International Airport (in Atlanta, and is one of the largest airports in the US) is so anal about everything... hopefully they will be understanding ;) I can hope right?

I have been saving up for about 5 weeks now for this trip. I had almost $600 saved, and bought the tickets ($320) and then tonight I bought Olivia an amber necklace, and some handmade baby sandals, they're crocheted and ADORABLE! Ah I can't wait to get them! Ontop of going to Target today and buying Olivia 4  spring/summer outfits, onesies, Emma some Summer jammies, socks for both of them, Emma some flip flops, and I believe thats it.

I have some bows to make to match some of Emma's outfits, and need to get all three of us bathing suits (I'll do that next check though) and I need a few tops and shorts for myself, along with probably 2 more nursing tank tops. I'm kinda hoping my Mom will help out a tad. But if not, I'll manage! :)

Emma is getting so big and currently weighs 32lbs, and is in size 4t (3t shorts/skirts though) some days I feel like I'm talking to a teenager when I talk to her ;) She is so excited about starting school in August, I was kinda hoping this Elem. had half day kindergarten, but it doesn't :( I'm worried about how she's going to do.. She's only ever stayed home with me all the time, so going to being in school 8hours is going to be hard on her... or so I think. Heck she cried to leave half the time when Stephen got her... I hope she'll adjust quick, and I'll see her acting like a 4/5 year old again and not this mouthy lil girl who thinks shes grown ;) I love her so much though. She's so smart and amazes me more and more every day! Oh, Emma goes to her 2nd dentist appointment Monday, but this will be her first cleaning :) She's excited!

Olivia is 7.5 weeks old.. She can roll over both ways, she "talks" sooo much, smiles when someone is talking to her, she has discovered her tongue, toes, and is soooooo close to letting out tiny little giggles. Ahh I can't wait to hear them! She is a breastfeeding champ.Some days I feel like I'm not making enough milk, and my cheap lil pump broke, but even when she's done eating I'm able to squeeze some out still, so I'm trying not to worry about it to much. lol this is all so new to me. Olivia is 100% a mommies girl. Sometimes it makes Emma jealous but for the most part Emma is handling things very well... Olivia cries if anyone else holds her, except me. Some days I get a tad frustrated with it, and I try not to, but I just cant put her down half the time for 2 minutes without her crying. I can NOT wait until my Moby is here! Humm, not sure what else to update on? She goes in next week for her 2 month check up. I'm excited to see how much my lil bug weighs now. <3

Well I'm gonna wrap this up now. What a boring first blog!


Lauren said...

I bet Emma will LOVE school! Lucy was the same way, but she did REALLY well! Lucy will be in full day K next year, and IDK how well the full day thing will go either. She is used to staying up late and going to school late so we'll see!

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