Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Woo! What a day!

Emma had her 1st actual Dentist visit today.... Olivia woke up around 6:45 to nurse and I figured, what the heck just stay up, what was 5 more minutes of sleep actually going to do for me? lol... Went and got Emmie up, got her dressed, Olivia dressed, myself dressed and put a little make up on, and we were on our way!

Emma was such a big girl, did everything she was told, and did sooo good while getting her teeth cleaned. NO CAVITIES!! Woo Hooo! I was one happy mommy! I was pretty worried because she has been complaining about her teeth hurting from time to time.. and everyone in this house gives her candy without asking me first... of course a 4 year old is going to accept it and not come ask me, knowing I'm going to tell her no. She goes back in 6 months for another check up/cleaning :)

I have to say Olivia was pretty well behaved for the appointment as well... she slept the whole time ;)

After the dentist appointment, we went to the WIC office to apply for it... I go April 12th for the "interview" and to get my breast pump. I mainly only need it for my GED test, but who knows it may come in handy some other day also...

Speaking of GED, I go for my practice test on April 21st. I'm pretty dang nervous, and have been trying to read as much as my Study guide for the GED book ;) I'm probably stressing myself for no reason, but I HATE test... I like panic over them... probably why I did horrible in school... passed all my work but ALWAYS failed the test :-\

Olivia... where do I start with my lil bug... She is so precious. Definitely the opposite of Emma in sooo many ways. Yet these two girls adore the heck out of eachother as the days go on, their bond keeps getting stronger and stronger.

2 days ago Olivia was crying NON-STOP! She didn't want to nurse, be held by me, my mom, my pappy, my aunt... and I'm still kinda iffy on Emma carrying her around, holding her in a room alone... ya know? Well Emma goes "Mommy can I please hold her?! She just wants her big sissy!" So being stressed from her crying sooo much, I handed her to Emma and stayed VERY close by... What do you know?.... Instant shut up. I was pretty shocked. So since then, Emma begs to hold her standing up... only for about a minute at a time, as Emma is very dramatic and says Olivia is to heavy...

Which! If my scale here at home is pretty correct, Olivia is almost 9lbs!

Olivia goes the 20th for her 2 month check up... a little late, but oh well.

I go April 26th for Establishing Paternity.. And I couldn't be anymore EXCITED!!!

And lets see how many more appointments I can get scheduled for April ;) lol

Anyway I'm FINALLY getting a TV in my room... TOMORROW! And I might go get a new phone tomorrow as well... a blackberry ;)

Then we will be getting the rest of the things I need for our trip to Georgia/Mississippi this summer.. which include:

Bathing suits for all 3 of us. Summer jammies for Emma, flip flops for Emma and myself, shoes for myself, some clothes for me, then just little things. I plan on making the girls a few bows to match some of their summer clothes before we leave.. so maybe a stop at Hobby Lobby also :)

Guess thats really all I have to say today :) I'm going to sleep now... at 1:30 am! Ugh! When I only got 2 hours of sleep last night... Woo, hopefully Olivia got super full and will sleep for 4 hours ;) Oh how I can dream lol. This kid is soooo strict with her feedings. She's every 3 hours like clock work, it's CRAZY! If she eats at 3:22, shes up again and wanting fed by 6:22... no joke! And shes stingy with her tata's ;) Emma came near me while she was eating, and Olivia went crazy, second Emma stepped away, she was all content and eating again haha. Gotta love her ;)

Well, goodnight!

1 comment:

I loved them first said...

Stopping by to say hello! I love watching the bond between siblings. So cute Olivia likes her big sister holding her!